$35.00 and up
1/64MASSEY FERUGSON 9895 COMBNES are in stock and we can customize them as you need for your operation.
Stock New in box combine with 30' grain table and 12 row corn head $35.00 each Or we can remove it from package and fix unloading auger angle for only $39.95 each !
A76 combine NB $22.00 We can remove it from package and fix unloading auger angle for only $29.00 each !
We can also customize them with Different size headers, our raisable feeder housing, steerable rear axle, straddle row duals, new bin fill auger, detailed chopper etc!
We are sold out of Agco A-86's! If you supply combine we can customize it for you! Have New Ertl A-76 combines in stock.