As of March 10th we won't be able to update or add any information to site, as someone keeps hacking into it.
We are in process of having a TOTALLY NEW ONE DONE!
We have a lot of New items that will be available April 1st. (most now)
We have 6 different Reese style hitches and draw-bars for Green-light and other 1/64 pickups.
3 new 1/64 pulling tractors plus couple new frame kits, new high back seat with harness detail, another front wt. bracket, 2 new different style wheelie bars
Mini rod pulling tractor with new 2 bar roll cage, V-8 engine with blower,headers and transmission and 3D printed rear 18.4X16 tires and rims
Also have 2 sizes of double cut tires and rims for pulling trucks!
Plus some more parts for trucks tractors and combines!
We have a lot of new 1/16th scale parts: wheelie bars with rear bump stops, 3 spoke racing style steering wheel, AC 190 steering wheel, D-19 grille in metal, muffler and air cleaner. 1/16th Front suitcase wts in zinc! AC, IH 06-66 2 styles, JD4030-40, Ford, MF 100&1100 series. and Oliver and JD slab wts, IH 06 & 66, JD4030-40 front weight brackets.
Also have a couple 5X16 front rims that will take 5:50 to 7:50 front tires. Also have 1/24 MF 760-860 combine seat and steering columns.
1/16th Round Bale lift for Ertl pickups and a kit for our new 1/16th metal flatbeds for them!
So keep watching for new site to appear! and Please call or email us for you orders and information!
Thank you for your Patronage
Stop and Vist us at Lafayette Farm Toy Show! Mention this post and receive one free Greenlight reese hitch for pick-ups! We will have a number of new items available! And a few of our new pulling tractor castings and indoor smoke systems for our pulling sleds.
Lafayette Farm Toy Show Dates: March 10, 11 & 12
We will also be at Winter Tractor Show in Auburn, IN March 16th,17th & 18th
And April 1st at Laura FFA Toy Show in New Castle PA
We have a couple New Wide Front Allis Chalmers D-17 Pedal Tractors in Stock! Priced at $250.00!

We have All Steel Working 1/16th scale
Playin' Hooky Toy Tractor Pulling Sleds available.
With or with cab Other colors also available!

We have Orange with cab Available!
24 pack of Real Looking Round hay bales with string and some wrapped. and 24 packs of small square bales in hay or straws.

ATTENTION !!!!!!!! IF ANY OF YOU HAVE EMAILED US IN THE PAST YEAR AND ESPICIALLY IN THE LAST 3 -4 MONTHS TO PLEASE RESEND YOUR EMAILS REGARDING CUSTOM BUILD ITEMS!!! And IF YOU HAVENT RECIEVED OR HEARD FROM US REGARDING CUSTOM ORDERS YOU HAVE PLACED! PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! a few i remember ARE Custom Agco Pulling tractor, JD 2800 semi mounted pull type on land plow (its done) landoll lowboy trailers and Mich. trains dump trailers, ? So please contact us again.